Rethinking Capitalism.  The limits of greed. How the American dream became temporary. Plus Bill Press with Congressman Ruben Gallego.


A history of the gig economy and the rise and fall of secure work. Plus, why America needs a new social contract between business and society. And Bill Press talks border politics with Congressman Ruben Gallego.


Louis Hyman

In his newest book, labor historian Louis Hyman the tells the story of America’s transformation to a temp economy and why he calls it the moral crisis of work in the 21st century.


Steven Pearlstein

At a time when American capitalism leaves more and more people behind, many question if it is worth saving. Steven Pearlstein is one of our nation’s leading economists. In his newest book, he argues for return to the core value of shared prosperity if capitalism is to sustain over the long term.


Ruben Gallego

Bill Press with  AZ Congressman Ruben Gallego on the absurdity of  President Trump’s wall and his “national emergency” at the border.


Jim Hightower

Who are the serial killers of America’s newspapers?