Karen Garvey holds an MBA, and is an Intuitive Speaker, Author, and Happiness Coach who has helped thousands of people shift to higher states of fulfillment through her seminars, coaching sessions, books and popular online course, “Happy in 90.”

Leaving the corporate world was a natural change after Karen “experienced” what was unfolding on 9/11/2001. Since she had been an hour from ground zero that day, she discovered that consciousness is not connected to the body. Over time, she mastered the ability to intentionally attune to non-physical sources of information.

Karen makes regular media appearances as a guest expert on television, films, radio programs and has been featured in magazines. She has been a guest on Dr. Oz and PBS and appeared in the films, Love Begins with Me and Good Luck. Visit www.KarenGarvey.com & www.Happyin90.com.

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