Cordelia Gaffar is a Transformational Business Consultant helping female entrepreneurs to replenish themselves so that they can stay in tuned with their mission and purpose and powerfully impact the world. She is a contributing author to the new book, America’s Leading Ladies: who positively impact the world. Stories of Courage, Challenge and Triumph, along with Oprah Winfrey, Melinda Gates, and 50 other women who are fierce advocates for women and girls and a more just and gender balanced world.

Cordelia also serves as the Social Media and Branding Chair for the All Ladies League USA Entrepreneurial Chapter. She has been selected for the Powerhouse Global Award and designated a Global Goodwill Ambassador Humanitarian for the USA. She is a registered United Nations volunteer, award winning author and speaker, Certified in Sports Nutrition. She is hostess of the Replenish Me podcast and founder of Workout Around My Day. Visit

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