Jeff Carreira is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders circle, a project of the Source of Synergy Foundation that brings together visionaries committed to the acceleration of the conscious evolution of humanity in these critical times. 

Transformation educator and spiritual teacher, Jeff Carreira, embarked on a life devoted to awakening in 1992 when he met spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen and embraced the perspective of Evolutionary Enlightenment. A series of life-changing experiences led Jeff to become a prominent member of a global spiritual movement, where he created educational programs that supported the on-going spiritual growth of thousands of people around the world.

Jeff presently co-leads the Evolutionary Collective, which explores the transformative possibilities of a higher order of human relatedness. He is also the author of two books, “The Miracle of Meditation” and “Philosophy Is Not a Luxury” and co-author of “Mutual Awakening: Opening into a New Paradigm of Human Relatedness.”  Visit

“When we face mounting challenges and overwhelming crises, we are tempted to see philosophy as a luxury item that we can no longer afford. It’s not! In fact, in the face of overwhelming difficulties, philosophy, which is the pursuit of truth, becomes more important, not less.” – Jeff Carreira

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