Featuring Dr. K. Beiting, an Adv. Research Fellow in Geriatric and Palliative Care at the Univ. of Chicago. She is currently doing research in opioid use disorders in older adults with funding through the TL1 post-doctoral program in clinical research and medical infomatics.









Dr. M. Yang, 2nd year Med. student at Univ. of Chicago, has research experience in South Africa and China as well as a post-baccalaureate program at Goucher College in Baltimore.








Dr. Stacie Levine, the project ‘physician champion’ is chair of the section of geriatrics/palliative care at University of Chicago.




M. Yang, BA; K. Beiting, MD; S. Levine, MD; "Hospital to Nursing Home Transitions of Care for Older Adults With Opioid Use Disorders: A Needs Assessment",  JAMDA, March/2021.


Recorded: May 18, 2021

Available Credit

0.25 CMD-Clinical