Branded By Women Conference created by Danny McMillan of Seller Sessions

Today's Guests:
Jana Krekic of YLT Translations

Sylv Stefanowicz of Bilbette

Michele Venton - Amazon Business Seller!

What’s important about the conference?
Michele - excitement to attend the event - great content -
- Men and women
- Important to hear different voices and stories
- Different strategies
- Find something that suits them
- It’s not all about black hat ranking

- Everyone shares stories
- See how it’s possible to do/try
- Divided into 3 days.
- Mindset
- Mastery
- Marketing

- Can go back
- Surprised by the sheer number of women in the game

- Mindset
- As women always bringing selves down
- But don’t have to be loud and centre of attention
- So many introverts running successful businesses
- Valuing selves more as women
- Eg fashion - body shy etc etc

Why a conference for Women?

- Women more about brand and relationships
- Men are more transactional
- Creating a lovely brand

Michele People have often said “this will be fantastic for my wife”
- I’ve always wanted her to get involved
- If men aren’t so good at the relationship side, maybe they do
- A lot of husbands drive this

Jana - International expansion and localisation
- know your audience
- Adjusting to this
- Miserable failure story!

Why expand ?
- PPC can be cheaper than USA
- Revenue can equal USA
- “How do I get ahead of the game?”

- Jana’s Background story - Serbia
- Doing something wanted with life
- Courage to start own business

Amazon copyrighting
- Keywords
- Language
- Not literal translation from US to Germany doesn’t work
- They want to know solution of product and features etc

Sylv How can male marketers market better to female buyers
- 90% of US sales are to women or by men who buy after consulting with women
- How women shop is important
- Fashion - Sylv - more
- More demanding
- Consider all options available
- In Germany even more demanding (
- Eg ASOS tried to apply UK marketing to Germany but came close to a profit warning
- Every country there are ways to shop
- What is considered attractive
- What budgets are eg in Poland like USA

Michele - need to know your avatar
- It Comes down to knowing your audience
- What voice you can talk to them in
- Eg humour - does it translate?
- Japan - culture v different - change listing completely
- Know your brand
- Core values
- Tone of voice
- Fit culturally
- In Europe excluding UK 25% of revenue
- Completely different ballgame
- Eg Spanish - out in the summer with families
- Not online!
- Postal system not designed for online shopping
- France
- Taxes so huge
- Germany -
- Returns high
- Tough crowd

Why this matters?

- not offering a service
- Not going to become a consultant or mentor
- If I can motivate or inspire anyone it’s mums who have felt somewhat trapped
- Bringing up young kids
- Trapped by finances
- By environment
- inspiration that this is accessible to them bec M started from there
- Kids moving primary to secondary
- Left corporate
- Maybe they hated it
- Shows you can certainly carve out a new

Jana - Showing What women are capable of

Barbie vs Ken!
- Had an assortment of jobs
- Always hair dressing
- Neuroscientist!
- Can not name a job ken had!
- Women forget what they’re capable of doing!
- MeToo to everything
- New voices will be given an opportunity

Sylv - biggest USP of the conference
- 30 speakers
- Different cultural backgrounds
- So empowering
- People will find something more about themselves
- Modern entrepreneurship is tough
- Low attention span
- Saturated markets

For more info on the Branded By Women conference, CLICK HERE