Michael talks over why he's co-hosting a podcast and why strategy, not tactics:

Why tactics alone are leading to tired business models on Amazon
Why co-hosting gives so much power to the listener
Why you should subscribe to the new podcast!


I'll give away the last one - because Michael and Jason (his new co-host) are giving away a $100 bundle of cool business strategy and e-commerce books to the winner of their "subscribe to our new podcast" competition.

Enter Contest now to win $100 worth of Business books!

For the next 9 days or until May 13 2020, just

1. enter the contest

2. subscribe to the podcast!

You can even earn extra points by listening to particular episodes etc.

Enter Contest now to win $100 worth of Business books!

More importantly, learn some deep business and strategy models so you can construct a robust, profitable business that you love to operate.