Facebook live panel global 29 April 2020
Jenna Lieber, Turnkey Product Management
Konark Ogra, Rural Handmade
John Cavendish, Seller Candy
What is changing for Amazon Sellers under Covid19?
notifications are insane
- ,monfitionring listing is arduous
- amazon stopping everyone shipping in from mid march to mid arpil
- france still closed
- can't shop intra-couty
- couldn't ship into Italy
- use 3 PLs
- have live listings
- sales volume not down too much
- Some up a lot but

A lot of clients grew in March
April plateau
Some clients not able to ship things in
- Non-essential
- Switched to FBM
- Now still not able to ship items in for all clients
- Amazon Launchpad
- no.1 sellers will go first
2 big changes
- Hedging from diversifying from China
- Supply chain
- The biggest concern with sellers - how safe is the brand?
- Should we be focussed on creating existing products
- consumers are now looking for stories
What’s the number one solvable issue for your clients?
Jenna: Managing ship time - Jenna - prime badge etc.
- monitor using merchant words to track ship time
- Some clients half FBA and half FBM
- FBA is beating FBM half the time
- Clients with over 300 different SKUs
John - FBA sales
Manually tracking on a spreadsheet
FBA dropped from 80% before COVID, 20% then back up t5o 65% plus
Treat it as business as usual
Konark - Simple model still working
CAD design etc in China can be $5-25K
Minimalist model - come with a design, see feasibility
- Human-made samples are maybe $250
- Post COVID the future will be more local
- More SMEs
- Army of sellers will be a big thing
- feeling we have to support small businesses
What’s happening next?
Things are moving fast
There will be a boom - people want control over their income

Ecommerce In general will continue to rise
Anyone who didn’t have a prime account is now in
And locked in for a year!
People who didn’t buy on amazon
What’s happening next couple weeks?

Allegedly reopening
A lot of people will keep sheltering in place

FBA warehouses probably seen the worst
Statten island walkout and Chicago

Europe - John/Konark
Coming out of lockdown
Spain coming out
You can still ship back into France from other countries

Thanks to our international panel!
I'll give away the last one - because Michael and Jason (his new co-host) are giving away a $100 bundle of cool business strategy and e-commerce books to the winner of their "subscribe to our new podcast" competition.

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Episode Transcript:

FINAL GLobal Roundup 1 jenna, john, konark V2
Today's episode is sponsored by the new e-commerce podcast. The e-commerce leader. The podcast is hosted by myself and Jason Miles, Shopify business owner, and Udemy's highest rated e-commerce instructor. To win $100 worth of business books, just enter our contest. Simply go to amazingfba.com/contest, and then subscribe to the new podcast.
Michael Veazey: Today was an exciting new venture. We had our first panel interview today via Facebook live . We spoke to three experts on three different continents. So how international is that? the subject was a global roundup on what they've seen happening with our clients in the amazon space over the last few weeks of the crazy covid 19 times
we're bringing you today, a very international panel. And, the subject of today is all about sort of round up really big picture perspective on h...