This episode is a continuation of the discussion over reviewing your business year. This was previously covered in episodes #300 and #301. In this episode, we will be looking forward to 2019 and what we’re going to do with Amazing FBA, and specifically detail things to stop doing and things to start.

For advanced sellers/those with substantial revenue (over $100K/year)
Launch 10K Collective Podcast

Launching from early-mid February 2019.
This will add massive value and is an intellectually stimulating resource for those who this applies.
Each episode has structured content, five expert interviews have already been completed in preparation of the launch.

Create 10K FaceBook group

This group will be for those doing over $100K in e-commerce revenue.
This will add value to those who are in a different bracket from those who are just starting out.

Expand Advanced Masterminds

The current mastermind group is for sellers who have reached the £1 million milestone. Amazing FBA may add a group for those doing $100k/year ($8k/month) USD!
Maybe even do residential/conference

Million Pound Mastermind
Get Regular Once a Quarter Meeting

The first one is planned for mid February in London.
Looking to expand it to international two day events in Q2, around April through June.

Expand membership (quality not quantity)

Looking to expand the group to ten people.
Please email for more information.

New Ecommerce approach

Decide on audience (3 possible groups I’m considering: Musicians; entrepreneurs; podcasters)
Start to develop audience first this time using audience building skills learned from Amazing FBA  
Learn the needs of this audience in great depth.
Create a product over longer term that I can be more excited about/more unique
Develop over a longer timeframe (18 months- 2 years) and not be driven by anxiety/short term thinking

For Raw Startup Entrepreneurs

This applies to those who may not have any sales yet.

Expand on Free Offerings
PDF guides

Have “Build” guide
Have current research Quick Start guide - will create new one
Create sourcing guide
Have current listing guide. - will create new one


Relevant email content
More contact and keep in touch via email better


Create themed content strategy: Niche, source, launch; Mindset
Go back to earlier style with more expert interviews, but structure them around themes.

ACTION: what topics do you want me to address? Post in Facebook group
Blog posts

Create several “cornerstone” content pieces around big topics.
This will give you yet another medium to give you solid content to help with your business.

ACTION: Let me know what you want me to write about!
Time to use this well-known way of free training to help those just starting out with private label. Especially those moving from retail arbitrage to private label.
Paid Services
Re-expand Mentoring

Offer several lower cost slots from, in return to help people get results.

*NEW* Expand 1-1 consults

1-off consults
For people at critical stages of their Amazon business journey.
This has proved to be massively helpful in the past. One client made $1000s!
[link:] check in Menu bar for “One off services”
Some of these consults include:

2 RARE pre-launch plan consults
RAC product research check session
GEM Sourcing check

Offer some early Jan sales to help kick start testimonials!

ACTION: Let me know what you think! (Facebook Group)
Zero to Hero

Probably within the “10K Academy” we will do more live interactions.
May revive an online mastermind concept within this!

Relaunch PLP course

From Late January, we’ll be re-launching this to the general public.
We will be offering discounts through emails,