3 years 3 months and 300 episodes!

Some of the important takeaways from this year are:

Interviews with experts (former part of year)
Starting to intro eCommerce as a whole rather than just Amazon focus, which was detailed with Jason Miles, where we covered Shopify and the asset it can be to your business.
Concept of Digital goods as well as physical goods, which was also discussed with Jason Miles again!

PLP, Private Label Process, Course []

Created first ever online course!
Amazing and great value resource for mentoring clients and others in commerce.
Got to work with a fantastic VA, Gary in Philippines
And my wonderful business partner, Rob Sleath
Learned more about outsourcing, delegation, management, and training.
23 Beta and early adopter members

Business overall

Worked for nearly 6 months with excellent business coaches:

Jason Miles & Kyle Hamar of  

Learned Kartra, a marketing platform which can be used in e-commerce businesses for clickfunnels and email auto-responding, among many other features.
Learned more about sales funnels and Amazon marketing.

10K Collective mastermind [ ]

A mastermind group for those who do a minimum of £25 thousand per month.
10K Collective mastermind had 15 meetings since Sept 2017
Group dynamic with increasingly better rapport and understanding between members.
Honesty -> frank discussions - > amazing insights
Collective revenue shot up. Several members went over £100K in revenue in Dec 2018. One hit over 7 figures in December income alone (over £1 million)  NB GBP not USD!

Overall focus has shifted from tactics to strategic thinking and the big picture of e-commerce.
MPM, Million Pound Mastermind  

A mastermind only for people with a minimum revenue of  £1 million per year through e-commerce.
1st meeting in Nov 2018
One member of the mastermind received an award for being the CEO of the largest growing e-commerce company in The Netherlands.
Going to meet once a quarter in cool European locations, starting in London, February 2019.
If you qualify and are interested in joining, please send me an email.

Personal life

Got married!
8 holidays

Zero to hero (face to face) mastermind

A face to face group for any e-commerce sellers, mostly for beginners.
This mastermind had low attendance due to low amounts of commitment.
The quality of the meetings was good and was certainly of value, but you cannot run a group based event without commitment from the group members.


Legal challenge to a patent around mid year. I wasn’t sure of how to handle it, so I let it drift for months. I let myself down relative to my own standards and I didn’t make a good example for my clients.
Another challenge for me was, what I would call, entrepreneurial ADHD. I didn’t follow the formula created by Marcus Lemonis: “People, Process, Product”. This meant that I was producing more product in the form of more product lines, businesses, services, and etcetera. What I haven’t done is focus on products, person, and process. To learn more about this formula, I recommend The Profit, a small business improvement programme on CNBC.

PLP Course

Creating this course took about 3 times longer than expected. I Started June, and it took until Dec to make it.
I wanted to serve people with detail and specific step by step instructions so we didn’t leave gaps through which people could fall.
The course also required more money than expected.
Distracted from ecomm by course creation latter half of the year, which resulted in modest sales in Q4.

All remarkably similar to my 1st PL product back in 2014! Luckily, I expect longer term the payoff to be really good in regards to:

For my clients immediately
Cashflow over next 12 months