Patents for eCommerce
with Robert Wright of Private Label Law

Patents are usually a legal issue Amazon sellers run scared of rather than approaching as a tool in their own armoury. But there are some uses of patents that are both more affordable and more powerful than might first appear.

However, there are some costs and downsides associated with patents that many e-commerce sellers don't think through until after they have had a patent granted. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say - listen to Robert's reality check and, if you do decide to use patent protection,  you'll be ahead of the competition.
What You'll Learn about Patents for ecommerce

Why patents may not be as hard and expensive to get as usually thought
The two types of patents - and why a design patent might cost less than you think.
Why a utility patent may not be worth pursuing for most Amazon sellers
A legal protection Chinese suppliers often use - shouldn't you too?
How affordable patents are
The hidden cost you have after getting your patent
The overlooked downside of having a patent registered

 Help Resources Mentioned

Legal Zoom 15 years ago - if you want simple things like business organisation, etc. (UK site)
Amazon Brand Registry

Other Episodes on Legal Help for Amazon
Patents for eCommerce with Anthony Famularo of Amazon Sellers Lawyer