Legal Help for Startups in Amazon
with Robert Wright of Private Label Law

Legal Help for Startups is often seen as either not needed or scary. Instead, you can have your attorney/lawyer be a partner in safely growing your business. Robert walks through his simple 4-part framework for how you can make use of a lawyer to avoid simple pitfalls - while keeping moving and not falling into legal perfectionism.

He also outlines the real purpose of trademarks, and also touches on the under-used legal protection: copyright. Move from "Move fast and break things" to a way of growing that is still fast-  but avoids unnecessary stress, cost and time.
What You'll Learn about using a Lawyer well for Your  Startup

Robert's Four-step methodology for Legal Help for Startups - a simple legal framework for your business
How to form a business entity to protect your assets
Why  trademarks are an under-used form of protections
Why Brand registry is not enough to handle copyright issues
How to safeguard sales
Why you don't need an over-priced lawyer in a fancy office
Why Legal Zoom etc isn't quite enough
What trademarks are and why they matter
The real purpose of trademarks (often misunderstood)
What you can - and can't - trademark
How to get a trademark and how long it takes
Whether Amazon Brand Registry is worth having
How to get into Brand Registry

Legal Help Resources Mentioned

Legal Zoom 15 years ago - if you want simple things like business organisation, etc. (UK site)
Amazon Brand Registry

Other Episodes on Legal Help for Amazon
Trademark for Amazon with Anthony Famularo of Amazon Sellers Lawyer