Today on Amazing FBA we're going to talk about something to which all business owners can relate. Entrepreneurship can be overwhelming. Having an entrepreneurial mindset is essential to scaling your business, regardless of what business that might be.

We've all felt buried by the menial, and not so menial tasks, which fill up our days. This feeling is normal, but there are some strategies that you can use to overcome the feeling of drowning so many of us experience in our lives as entrepreneurs. Follow these simple steps, and you'll be on your way to higher productivity and more extended periods of focus in no time.
1.) Accept that you're feeling overwhelmed & cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset.  
If you're ambitious, you're probably going to bite off more than you can chew at some point. If this applies to you, embrace it. Maintain your focus, and address what's in front of you. Remember, entrepreneurship is a mentality. It's up to you to cultivate that entrepreneurial mindset.
2.) Reset your brain via your body.
Some of the best ways to address a tired mind are to exercise, rest, and maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Your body and your mind are not separate. The health of mind and body are synergetic. Get your exercise, get your sleep, and eat a healthy diet. It may sound simple, but it's vital to organizing your mind.

I've been working extremely hard to create my private label course. Without a healthy workout regimen, sleep cycle, and diet, creating this product would never have been possible. If you'd like to check out my private label course, head over to
3.) Connect with people who get it.
Whether it's a physical mastermind, a meetup, an online mastermind, or even a facebook group with experienced sellers, find a network of support and utilize it. In-person masterminds, in my opinion, are far and away the most effective support systems out there. If you're interested in finding a mastermind, but don't know where to start, check out the Amazing FBA Mastermind Programs, The 10k Collective & Zero to Hero. These aren't the only solutions in the Amazon seller space. In fact, there are hundreds of fantastic mastermind groups out there, but the success found by those who have participated so far is undeniable.
4.) Reset your goals.
Dan Kennedy is one of the original internet marketing gurus. His philosophies have filtered down through the online marketing ecosystem for decades. One of the things Dan says is, "when you are up to your ass in alligators, it’s difficult to remember that your original objective was to drain the swamp. It’s easy to get so caught up in managing all the problem parts of a business that you never do anything else." Don't forget your initial objectives. Take stock in what's important to you and your business often.
5.) Put first things first.
Set up an Eisenhower 2x2 matrix. Label the left column of the grid with "Important Tasks," and the top row of the grid with "Urgent Tasks." Next label the right column with "Unimportant Tasks," and finally label the bottom row of the grid with "Non-Urgent Tasks." Now fill in the grid with all of the tasks you attempt in a given day. Most people will expect the bottom-right quadrant of the grid to remain empty, but if we're honest with ourselves, the time we spend on YouTube or Facebook every day likely belongs here, and those unimportant, non-urgent tasks can take up a lot of our time. Get ahead of those urgent and important tasks so you can spend time on the important, but not so urgent tasks that will help you grow your business. This brings us to our next step.
6.) Schedule time for those important, but not urgent tasks.
A lot of us manage by crisis. This is rarely an effective strategy, and those critical tasks we've thrown on the backburner can lead to significant problems down the road. It's vital to effectively manage the urgent duties so you can spend those 1-4 hours a day focusing on the big-picture i...