Our guest today on Amazing FBA, Jason Miles, is an absolute titan of e-commerce, online marketing, and selling digital products. Jason has been on the show before to talk about his businesses, Winning on Shopify & Pixie Faire. He's the author of multiple books on e-commerce, a prominent philanthropist, Udemy's number one e-commerce instructor, and he just so happens to be my business coach.

In addition to his prowess in the online marketing and e-commerce spheres, Jason is a digital products guru. His Shopify store, Pixie Faire has done 2.5 million digital downloads to date. If you're going to miss an interview on Amazing FBA, don't let it be this one.
Today we'll be talking about:
Jason's background as an e-commerce seller and nonprofit manager (3:53).



Digital products and Amazon (7:08).

"Do you have a customer base that wants any how-to information, historical information, collector type information, anything related to the product that you're selling? If they're hungry for any of it, then you've got an opportunity to create digital goods."

Distribution of digital products (10:06).

Instagram Power


Create Space

Defining digital products (12:59).

The shift of physical goods into a digital experience in a changing technological world (16:30).
The Blue Ocean Strategy
Production and distribution of online learning modules (20:40).

"The question is, 'For your niche or industry, could you create a monthly recurring membership program to feed information to your real devotees who are focused, not on you necessarily, but on your niche?'"

Making the jump to digital products for physical goods Amazon sellers like myself (24:45).

Why digital goods are such an incredible niche; near-zero marginal cost (25:56).

The unique nature of zero-cost product distribution inherent to the digital goods and services business model ( 29:30).

Udemy.com - The Google of Online Learning

"Information wants to be free." - Stewart Brand
Final Thoughts:
The shift to digital goods in today's world is real. The metronome, as an example in my life, has gone from being a mechanical product to a physical product with digital components, and now has become a purely digital product that can be downloaded on a tablet or mobile device in mere seconds. Not all physical tools in our world can be replaced by digital ones, but the ones that can be will be. This is the next major shift in consumerism. We, as online retailers, will either need to adjust our strategies or be left behind.

Watch my full interview with Jason Miles of Winning On Shopify