Having established that e-commerce newsletters are NOT an effective way of getting new customers or generating the revenue you could, we need an alternative. eCommerce email sequences are the answer. 

Emily talks us through weaning ourselves off the mentality of overwhelming our customers once a week and moving to have a goal-oriented approach to e-commerce email marketing (just as we probably would automatically in other areas, like optimizing a sales page to sell our products!) 

We also explore how to get under the skin of your customers and even prospective customers,  so you can engage and entertain them. That way, you’ll develop empathy from understanding them better and win their all-important trust. We even examine the slightly intimidating but fascinating world of mapping out your customer journey.   This is the ultimate way to tune the messages you’re sending out to where your customer is really at in his or her relationship with your brand, your company, and with you via your emails.

Emily McGuire of Flourish and grit runs an email marketing and automation studio, which helps businesses uncover hidden revenue in their email lists.

You'll Learn:

How do we replace our regular newsletters
How to frame your content and offers to keep people engaged
How to deal with prospective customers as opposed to actual customers
More effective ways of structuring your email content
How to balance between offers and content
Difference between autoresponders “vs” broadcast
Recommended email systems
Automation strategy and process
How to deal with customer journey ourselves