The word is in: we need an alternative to newsletters for e-commerce marketing. 

That reintroduces an old friend in the world of e-commerce marketing. I’m not talking about today’s guest, Emily McGuire - I’ll introduce her later. No, I’m talking about my old friend, False Dichotomy. That’s when you’re presented with a false choice between two paths, neither of which is real. 

Today’s false dichotomy is between “either” email newsletters “or” non-email marketing, like blogging, social media, video marketing, paid ads, etc., etc. 

It’s a false choice. There is a third way. 

Let’s be clear: according to all the stats (and today’s guest), email marketing gets the best ROI  of ALL marketing by a LARGE margin. 

So how come we need an alternative to (email) newsletters? 

The clue is this: email marketing works like CRAZY for e-commerce - IF done right. However, email newsletters don’t work very well. 

Today’s guest, Emily, offers us a third way. The way of e-commerce email marketing that works. And, according to Emily, we need an alternative to newsletters to make it work. 

Follow me? If so...follow Emily down the rabbit hole with me...and let’s see how far this sucker goes...

You'll Learn:

Why growing an email list matters in e-commerce
Why it also matters for amazon sellers
What to do when you don’t have an email list of potential buyers
The importance of listing your growth strategies
Why you need to improve your site design for email setup
How to create a great offer
How to create a great opt-in/lead magnet
Why you need to create a "painkiller" content
How do we figure out who our customers are and want?