Today we focus on the latest business opportunity Chris Green is teaching: buying and selling web Domains. Chris has being having fun and making profits from this since the late ‘90s.  Internet Domains aren’t new. Domains have been bought and sold since the early ‘90s. They have existed as an asset class for 30 years now.

But NFTs and other recent digital assets have recently brought domain buying and selling back into awareness. It’s re-emerged as a hot topic.

There are multi-million dollar domains out there; but new domains can be bought for as little as $9.

Finding underpriced domains is a fun game Chris has honed for years. It’s low risk and high reward. But it does require patience – and experience.
What you’ll learn

Why domain buying and selling is low-risk, potentially very high reward
Why it’s come back into fashion
What Jason plans to do with his 100+ domains!
How Chris stumbled on the need for training in this area
The similarities between Retail Arb and Domaining – and the differences
Why buying strangely worded domains is always a no-no
When you should consider adding other assets to a domain (such as a website on the domain! Or social media accounts)
5 reasons why Domains are great assets

Resources Mentioned

Go to

5 days of live training with Chris Green. Day 1 is for beginners/basic concepts

After that it ramps up!

Chris will go live at 1pm and 9 pm Eastern daily (same content, just allowing for different timezones etc. )