In this episode, I talk with Omer Riaz of, which helps outsource for Amazon sellers and other e-commerce businesses.

Omer Riaz started with an IT background and has worked for big consulting firms for about 12 years. His Amazon journey started about 5 years ago with his partners. Instead of figuring out all the details of being an Amazon seller on their own, they built a team in Pakistan in order to delegate tasks to them, such as listing creations, listing optimisation, PPC management, customer support, etc. Due to the support of this team, they became six-figure sellers within a year. They then decided to assist small e-commerce businesses with the level of outsourcing that Fortune 500 companies have.
Current Status of
Manage over 200 businesses

Employee 165 people in 2 Offices
What is the most common problem you see with smaller sellers around outsourcing

They cannot find people to hire.
Or if they do hire freelancers, it’s difficult to find a freelance worker that is reliable that you can trust.

When Urtaskier starts new client, they do a full account audit, which is a 70 page summary. This summary demonstrates that Urtasker knows Amazon and what it takes to be a seller, which gives them a knowledge base that a freelancer may not have.

Some sellers have an issue of knowing how to delete.

What comes after the audit
After the audit, there is an on-boarding call at the front end where we propose a package of services, based on their needs, as determined by the results of the audit.

Quality Assurance and project manager, are provided free of cost
Communication level
During the on-boarding call, we also document the level of communication as desired by the client, and the time of day in which they would like to be contacted.  
We look at the audit to see what is needed in order to understand the full scope of what needs to be done.
Occasionally reject sellers!
Once we complete the audit, if we see that they are selling products that are in low demand and high competition, we tell them that this is not going to work.

Urtasker works with sellers that are serious and want to grow, and that know how to delegate.
Services for Outsourcing for Amazon Sellers
3 kinds of skillset

Good VA
Amazon specialist - at least 2 years of experience working with Urtasker
Amazon Expert - Only a couple of people within Urtasker qualify for this position, but they are growing


Product research - packages for product research, a good place to start, especially for small sellers
Listing and listing optimisation, a major part of what we do
PPC management
Customer Support - leads to reviews
Account management

We don’t offer anything that is against Amazon TOS!
Mandatory Monthly Feedback from Customers

This has helped improve services
Bringing more training
Employee performance bonuses are based on client feedback

Listings and Optimisation
There are 4 factors when we determine the listing optimisation:

Listing titles - A lot of people don’t use the whole space or follow Amazon standard practice  
Bullet points - A lot of people have good copy, but if it doesn’t have relevant keywords where they can optimise, then it doesn’t make sense
Backend keywords - the most important part

People have been confused
It used to be 5000 bytes - now it’s 250 bytes!
A lot of people don’t know about this

Description - Writing something that evokes emotions

If running PPC, making the conversion is important

Once people start following the Amazon standard practice, they see a lot of improvement
PPC management
This is a task that is reserved for the Amazon Expert level of employee, someone that knows how to create campaigns, optimise campaigns to make sure the campaign is working, and then to keep up with Amazon changes.
Do you manage “Sponsored Brands”