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This episode is for anyone getting ready for their Amazon Launch or who has recently launched a Private Label (or custom) product on Amazon, and it covers the common errors people make in 3 areas that are vital for launch: Keyword Ranking; Getting Clicks; Getting Conversions.

Links mentioned in the show
10K Collective

Pre-Launch Plan consultation with Michael:
3 Areas to Examine When It Comes to Launching
Keyword Ranking

This is imperative for showing up in the search results for particular keywords

Getting Clicks

When people see your listing, are they clicking on it?

Getting Conversions

Are people actually buying?

Keyword Ranking
It starts and ends with this.

You need to have a clear set of keywords that you want to rank for to show up on page one, near the top.

Create a target list of keywords for your listing and for your PPC.
Get 3-5 main keywords for volume.
Also, get 15-20 more medium and long-tail keywords for profit.

Set this up BEFORE your Amazon Launch!  
Use a keyword ranking tool, such as the one in Helium10, to measure your target keywords.

Take all your short-tail keywords  (4-5 keywords ) you’re targeting
Take all your medium long tail keywords  you’re targeting (20 keywords )
If you can afford to, measure around 100 keywords per listing
Reverse ASIN search top relevant competitors to get these
Put those into keyword tracker

Measure your keywords before you change anything, so that you know what will be most successful.
Manually finding ranking
If you don’t yet have a tool to measure keyword rankings, you should check 3-4 keywords manually on Amazon.

Search on Amazon and keep scrolling through the search results until you find your listing.
Keyword rank = page number x listings per page + position on page.

Example: If your result is on page 5, on position six, assuming about 14 results per page (make sure to double check this!)
Keyword rank = 5 x 14 + 6 = 76

Keyword Placement
Before you start running PPC advertising, you want to make sure you have your keywords in the right place in your listing.

Important keywords should be in your title close to the front, in the bullet points, in the description, and in the back end.
If it’s a secondary keyword, yet still important, you want that keyword in the bullet points, description, and back end.
If you don’t put your keywords in those places, it is going to be more difficult for Amazon to rank you for them.

Getting clicks
PPC Advertising
Once you built the listing correctly and you’ve started tracking your keyword ranking, you should then be running PPC, or pay per click, advertising.

If you find that you’re getting very few clicks, one thing is that you aren’t bidding enough.

If you’re in a competitive niche, you need to bid quite aggressively to stand out.
If you have a cost per click of about £1.50  and your budget is £10 per day, you’re only going to have a budget enough for about 6 clicks, which won’t do much.

It doesn’t send strong signals to the algorithm.
It’s not probably going to make sales very fast.
I would recommend £30-50 per day if you’re launching a product.

Click Through Rates
In terms of click-through rates, CTR, you want to be getting a decent minimum, around 1% if you can.

If yours is too low, it means people aren’t clicking on it.

People are looking at the overall offer:

You need to have a good main photo
Make sure it’s not priced too high
Social proof in the form of reviews

If you don’t have reviews, you may want to lower the price until you get reviews
Bid aggressively on advertising

Once you have reviews and the rankings you want, you can then feather down the advertising spend and feather up the price over time.

If you try this, but your listing does not succeed after you feather down on advertising and feather up...