Stefan Haney is the Strategic Advisor and Interim CEO at Foundry, a growing agency that acquires, builds, and grows online brands. He is also the Managing Principal at Vantage International and the Principal at OneAccord.

Stefan worked at Amazon for more than 15 years as a Senior Manager and Director and was a major leader in building Seller Central and the Amazon Marketplace from $9 billion to more than $160 billion. 

Kyle Walker is a Founding Partner at Foundry, an experienced digital brand builder, and a former Amazon employee. He is the Founder of The Lab, an e-commerce management consulting company, and the Chief Acquisition Officer at Stealth Company.

Kyle has aided in launching more than 10,000 businesses on Amazon, founded three multi-billion dollar Amazon programs, and helped construct many of the Amazon tools that brand owners use every day.

In this episode…

Are you looking for a seller-focused brand agency that can help you transform your business? Are you frustrated with run-of-the-mill aggregators, and want to work with a company that you know will have your back?

Unfortunately, not every aggregator or brand agency is alike, and it can be difficult to determine which company is trustworthy, capable, and the right fit for your business. Thankfully, that’s why Stefan Haney and Kyle Walker are here today: to talk about their revolutionary brand agency, Foundry. Foundry isn’t like other M&As on the market; it maintains a seller-focused, partnership-oriented approach to acquiring and expanding brands that last. So, how can you learn more about — and start working with — Foundry today?

In this episode of Amazing Exits, Kellianne Fedio sits down with Stefan Haney, Strategic Advisor and Interim CEO at Foundry, and Kyle Walker, Founding Partner at Foundry, to discuss acquiring and growing enduring brands. Listen in as Stefan and Kyle talk about working at Amazon, creating Foundry with a team of expert e-commerce entrepreneurs, and shaping Foundry into the highly-respected brand it is today. Stay tuned!