Yoni Kozminski is the Founder and CEO of Escala, an affordable, boutique process improvement and digital transformation consulting firm for Amazon and e-commerce businesses. Yoni is also the Founder and CEO of MultiplyMii, an Escala company that helps businesses all over the world reduce operating costs and increase profitability and output potential.

In addition to this, Yoni is the Host of Successful Sales, a podcast where entrepreneurs share their inspirational stories, hard-won wisdom, and top tips for success.

In this episode…

Let’s cut to the chase: you want your business to be as valuable as possible. However, the boring day-to-day tasks that keep your business running take up all of your time. So, how do you simultaneously scale your business while juggling the chaos of entrepreneurship?

Yoni Kozminski has expert advice that could change your life: hire assistants, implement tools, and systematize everything. According to Yoni, perfecting your systems and processes is the key to running a thriving, profitable business. That’s why he created Escala and MultiplyMii—to help busy, exhausted entrepreneurs bridge the gap between big dreams and minute duties. Want to learn more?

In this episode of Amazing Exits, Kellianne Fedio and Paul Miller sit down with Yoni Kozminski, Founder and CEO of Escala and MultiplyMii, to discuss the secrets to building and scaling a valuable business. Listen in as Yoni reveals how he scaled a business from $2 million to $5 million in just one year, how Escala can benefit both new and seasoned entrepreneurs, and the secret to successfully reverse engineering your own amazing exit. Stay tuned!