This week’s show is the first of it’s kind for “Amateur Nation” as the entire episode is devoted to one guest interview. If you’ve not seen the critically-acclaimed documentary, "Uncle Tom”, you should.

The movie is nothing but common sense and facts and is produced by common sense guru, talk radio host, author, attorney, and documentary filmmaker, Larry Elder. It’s a movie where you think, “Why isn’t everyone watching this? Why isn’t this shown in schools? And on tv?”

My very special guest this week is the plumber you see in the opening scenes and interspersed throughout “Uncle Tom” as well as the end; “bookending” the movie—Chad Jackson.

Chad, (while still serving his plumbing clientele), is now knee-deep in producing the much-anticipated “Uncle Tom 2”, to be released some time this fall. In this interview on “Amateur Nation”, Chad Jackson mentions things like, “taking ownership of one’s own life”, “learning from the best”, “staying in your lane”, and “victimhood”. You’ll hear talks of “common sense”, “accountability”, “independent thought”, and the “marketing of grief and anger” towards the black population by the Hollywood elite, professional athletes like LeBron James, and of course, politicians.

Chad shares his views on “systemic racism”, “sheep” mentality, and the “woke culture”, with some gems that just might have you cocking your head with a few, “Huh. I didn’t know that/think of that!” moments.

“Amateur Nation” would like to thank Chad Jackson for taking time out of his busy schedule to spend almost an hour with us.

Get the book! 
Instagram: @lousantini3     

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