Beckett Haight is a former student with special needs who went on to become a Special Educator. After getting expelled from 6th grade he had an IEP and special education services stemming from ADHD and Oppositional Defiance Disorder until graduating high school. This led him to becoming a volunteer in Special Needs classrooms in high school, then a Teacher Assistant for four years while in college, and he has been a Special Education teacher for the past 13 years in California, the Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Ethiopia and now Mexico. He is National Board Certified in Exceptional Needs, a Masters of Science in Special Education, and a Masters of Education Technology. He loves all aspects of Special Education, but has a particular passion for behavior support and post-secondary transition. He has been in the education game for 18 years and doesn’t see anything changing for the next 18.


Be willing to take the time [to get to know your students]Give it 4 or 5 years to find your flowThere needs to be a home-school connection for a student to be successful
Beckett’s Stamp of ApprovalTai Lopez on You Tube: for Exceptional Children
Connect with BeckettBlog (Collections of a Special Educator): Website:  @BeckettHaight    (
Connect with GretchenEmail: [email protected]: Always A LessonFacebook: Always A LessonTwitter: @gschultekInstagram: Always.A.LessonLinkedin: Gretchen Schultek BridgersGoogle+: Gretchen Schultek BridgersBook: Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn’t Teach You in College
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