with Co-Host Hayward Evans:

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan calls in plus-

*Larry Brown, President, Washington State Labor Council comments on some the ballot measures that will be voted on Tuesday and why they are important to Labor and the community at large.

*King County Councilman Larry Gossett talks about the significance of voting and why he is supporting some of the ballot measures. The councilman will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from New Beginnings Christian Fellowship on November 9 at the 2019 Future Leaders Banquet.

*State Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, comments on House Bill 1918 that passed through the state legislature unanimously this past session that created the Central Area Preservation Development Authority at the Seattle Vocational Institute (SVI) and originally Co SOIC. The facility will know be known as the McKinney Center for Community and Economic Development.

*Attorney Jesse Wineberry, Sr. Co Chair Initiative 1000 (I-1000) Committee that was responsible for organizing the signature gathering of almost 400,000 registered Washington State Voters and was passed into law April 28, 2019 by the Washington State Legislature to restore Affirmative Action in Washington State after 21 years of inequality created by the passage of the Anti Affirmative Action Initiative 200 ( I-200).

*Rhonda Wilkerson, New Beginnings Christian Fellowship 2019 Future Leaders Scholarship Banquet Committee comments on the November 9, 2019 event that will be MC'd by KIRO TV Consumer Advocate Jesse Jones. Dr. Herman Felton, President & CEO, Wiley College is the Key Note Speaker. Estela Ortega, Executive Director El Centro de la Raza will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award.