Becoming a mom has really reminded me (Dr. Susanna) how different phases of life require different nutrition. Some phases of life have much more physical growth where more fuel, more fat, more everything in needed compared to other times in our life when we are maintaining, or perhaps even wanting to shed some excess growth.

We are excited to be entering into a little mini-series within the podcast where we will be covering nutritional needs during these various phases of life. 

In this Plant-Based Lifecycle Nutrition Series we’ll cover the nutritional needs in 6 stages of life:

PreconceptionPregnancyPostpartum and LactationInfancy and ToddlersOlder Children and TeensMenopauseGraceful AgingMaybe a bonus episode from Dr. Ben on Graceful aging for Men?

Highlights from the episode and whats to come in the series

How plant-based eating supports health in ALL of these stages and phasesThe special consideration to be mindful of to ensure adequate nutrient intake throughout all of these phasesWe'll be sharing the latest nutritional science information relating to lifecycle nutrition in this seriesAdditional pearls of wisdom sprinkled in from out own personal and professional experiencesHow to practically apply balanced nutrition principles in the kitchen

Links to some more good stuff
- 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package -
- Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides:
- Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: