Since meditation practices have swept the western world, many may come to believe that meditation is a necessary tool for "enlightenment," spiritual growth, or just mental wellbeing.

While we are certainly not here to suggest that there is anything at all remotely wrong with meditation, we find it helpful to explore what a meditation practice can offer, and why people may experience benefits in health and wellbeing.

As the title suggests, neither of us currently engage regularly in any sort of meditation practice, but that's not at all to say we don't have lots of experience! I (Dr. Ben), held a daily practice of 1-2 hours of meditation per day for at least 5 years with experience in multiple traditions and techniques including extended meditation retreats.

In a nutshell, we share our understanding of how and why meditation is not a fundamentally important technique for spiritual growth and wellbeing as well as the evolution of our relationships with mindfulness as a practice.

Join the conversations live on YouTube every Wednesday:

For more, deep conversations on the topics of Mind, Thought, and Consciousness come on into Peace on Earth:

Some highlights from today's WW episode...

Peace, Love, Wisdom, Creativity, Compassion is the essence of our True Nature - all of us, all the timeMeditation can provide a sacred space to disengage with thoughts and experience the space through which thoughts flowThoughts flow through the mind regardless of where we are and what we are doing and we can always, in any moment, bring awareness to our True Nature beyond thoughtSome might say a goal of meditation is to be more meditative and peaceful throughout daily life - something we can always access in an instantOur state of mind in a moment is not a result of external circumstances (practices or techniques) but a result of the thoughts we attach to at a point in time

Links to some more good stuff

- Join weekly Peace on Earth conversations:
- Join Alter Health on Locals:
- Stay connected on Telegram:
- Cleanse with Us during the next Alter Health Cleanse:
- Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program:
- ATTN Health Practitioners! Learn more and apply to the Plant Based Mind Body Practitioner Program:

Peace and Love.

Links to some more good stuff
- 1-on-1 Nutritional Analysis Package -
- Get the Alter Health weekly WFPB Meal Guides:
- Work with us in the Thrive on Plants program: