On Friday's Wynner Circle I talk with author Amanda Barratt whose latest book My Dearest Dietrich is quickly becoming the novel most likely to be rushed to the top of your summer TBR stack! Join us to hear more about her behind-the-scenes, and what most surprised her about her characters in writing this epic novel.  

“When I first heard the name Maria von Wedemeyer, I wondered what kind of woman would capture the heart of such a brave and brilliant man as Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In writing My Dearest Dietrich, I set out to find their story. What I discovered went beyond all expectations. I discovered a man willing to give his life for the cause of truth who also wrote passionate letters of love and longing to his fiancée during months of imprisonment. I discovered a woman who lost the two men she loved most as a result of war but who took the risk of becoming engaged to a man shrouded by danger because of his actions against the Nazi regime. It's a deeply profound and relevant story that asks questions of us today. Questions about a Christian's response in the face of unspeakable evil, about courage, and the sustaining power of love,” Barratt said.