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It is summer, you are home with the kids, and you might just find yourself a little cranky! Help is on the way! Today, Becky and I are going to head into The Wynners Circle to talk about the mom  you DON'T want to be! Join us!

No matter how perfect a mom may look on the outside, every now and then she turns into the cranky mom that she never wanted to be. In her new book, The Cranky Mom Fix: Get a Happier, More Peaceful Home by Slaying the “Momster” in All of Us, popular author Becky Kopitzke shares how motherhood brought out more than cuddles, snuggles, and blissful times of play; it brought out the worst in her: the Momster! Unafraid to be authentic and share her own experiences, Kopitzke shows readers that life can be much more than living in the cranky zone. Moms will be relieved to learn from The Cranky Mom Fix that cranky mom doesn’t have to stay. The Cranky Mom Fix helps them slay the Momster for a happier, more peaceful home—and isn’t that what moms want most of all?     

Becky Kopitzke is the author of three books including The Cranky Mom Fix: Get a Happier, More Peaceful Home by Slaying the “Momster” in All of Us. As a writer, speaker, dreamer, believer, lunch packer, and recovering perfectionist, Becky is on a mission to encourage and equip women to be kind to themselves and others in Jesus' name. She and her husband Chad live in northeast Wisconsin with their two tween daughters, shelves full of slime supplies, and a puppy named Prophet. Beyond writing and family, Becky is actively involved at her regional evangelical church, where she leads women’s Bible studies, sings on the worship team, and hugs half the people she sees. Find her online at