007 - The Top 2 Secrets to Retaining Superstar Employees

What keeps employers up at night?  

Almost universally, the answer is employee retention.  Finding and keeping high-performing team members is crucial to the success of any organization.  And yet, hiring and retaining effectively is a major challenge – and a tremendous source of stress and anxiety – for far too many companies.  In this episode, we take a hard look at factors that contribute to employee retention (or lack thereof), and discuss what employers can do to start hiring and retaining better – starting immediately. 

Bringing her expertise to the discussion is Tanya Lauer, Founder & CEO of Above the Tree Line Consulting Group.  Tanya’s specialty is elevating the performance of teams and organizations through culture transformation, employee engagement, and more.  She works closely with Jackie to solve the hiring and retention challenges of clients nationwide, and brings valuable insights and perspective on this topic.  Tanya is also the Chair of a CEO peer group through Vistage, connecting CEOs who want to become better leaders and accelerate the growth of their companies.  

Guest Info:
Tanya Lauer
Founder & CEO, Above the Tree Line Consulting Group
[email protected]

Host Info:
Jackie Ducci
Founder & CEO, Ducci & Associates
[email protected]