006 - Experience vs. Personality - Which One Matters More?

Spoiler Alert: the answer is personality (and by a landslide!)

When job seeking, of course technical qualifications matter. But savvy employers tune into personality right away, and tend to weigh it more heavily in their hiring decisions. If Candidate A has a mediocre skill set but an extremely likeable demeanor and Candidate B has incredible experience but presents in a way that is off-putting, the former will receive the offer – nearly every single time. There are many reasons for this, all of which we’ll be exploring in this episode.

Weighing in on the discussion is EVP of Ducci Electrical Contractors, Inc. (and Jackie’s brother!), John Ducci. John and Jackie have collaborated on many hiring decisions over the past decade, John from the employer seat and Jackie as the third party recruiter. Together, they have seen it all (the good, the bad, and the ugly) when it comes to candidate interviews.  Their stories, and John’s insight, will shed bright light on why personality is such an important factor to hiring managers as they evaluate candidates, and why it can easily make or break someone’s chances of receiving a job offer.

Lots of great info coming your way in this episode – enjoy! 

Guest Info:
John Ducci
EVP, Ducci Electrical Contractors, Inc.