This week’s podcast guest is a little different to our usual interview episodes. Instead of interviewing someone you might know, I interviewed someone who’s suffered from severe eczema for most of their life, and ended up finding a solution that worked for her, and she now has the smoothest hands she’s ever had. Jacquie was working as a physiotherapist, which was labour intensive itself on her hands, and also meant she had to be constantly washing her hands. She found herself lying in oat baths, jumping from specialist to specialist, changed career paths to something less tolling on her hands, and worked out she had an enzyme imbalance in her gut, which was causing her skin to flare up. We heard her story through a friend and felt it was too good not to share with you all, because if you’re suffering from “incurable” skin conditions, there are solutions out there. If you know someone who has some issues with their skin, pls send them this episode as they might be able to explore new avenues. Enjoy!