Kaycee Polite is a licensed sex therapist and social worker from Texas with an infectious enthusiasm for pleasure and sexual health. She’s been sharing this passion with her clients for over 18 years, always pushing the agenda of experiencing pleasure, sexual health and the importance of how to communicate sexual needs.  
In addition to her work as a sex therapist, she has experience addressing issues of depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, personality disorders, and has spent the past 6 years working in Veterans Administrations.
In this episode we talk about:

How to incorporate pleasure in to your everyday
Military sexual trauma
ED in veterans
PTSD and sexual functioning
Ageism and sexuality
How to talk to your parents about sex
Sex Education season 2
Asexuality versus sexual dysfunction
How to reignite desire with Kaycee Polite
Why you shouldn’t get dressed in the same room
Why people cheat in long term relationships
Age and testosterone production
The effect of stress on your libido
Should your partner come to therapy with you?
Healthy examples of sexuality
Sexual rights for those with disabilities

Find out how to work with Kaycee - Kayceepolite.com
Follow Kaycee on Instagram - www.instagram.com/k_spot_therapy
Follow Pleasurely on Instagram: www.instagram.com/mypleasure.ly 
Take the free ecourse – 7 Days to Unlock Your Libido: https://www.mypleasure.ly/unlock-your-libido