2023 was a year. A year for reinventions, reimaginings and reboots. And then there's the music! So many great artists find their footing in how they interpret somebody else's songs and in the year 2023, a ton of legendary and up-and-coming artists went into the studio to record their versions of some of the greatest songs ever written. We've conveniently compiled them for your listening pleasure in TOP TEN COVER SONGS OF 2023. Here in Part 2, we continue our hilarious chat with our good friends Dustin and Candi, and present Picks 5-1 in our definitive playlist.

If you missed Part 1, listen up here:

Get your earholes on what really matters - the music! Here's the Top Ten Cover Songs Of 2023 playlist, bumper songs included:

If you feel you need more Candi Bartlett in your life, keep up with her goings on with our friend Noodle in their hilarious podcast Chacharone. It's art and politics, science and pop culture! Check it out:

Dustin is out there all over LA gigging with the Kevin West Band. Find out more at:

Be sure to bookmark the ATTT1000 playlists on Spotify and Youtube. They're growing all the time!