It's been a hell of a year. We've been through a lot and as our reward for surviving we get to sit back and revel in all of the great music released in the year 2023. To kick things off in our quest to remain current, despite our crippling old age, a new tradition is born. Our covers guru Dustin Prince is back along with our good friend Candi Bartlett for TOP TEN COVER SONGS OF 2023. Here in Part 1 we get the ball rolling with picks 10-6, a truly eclectic bunch of songs. Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

If you feel you need more Candi Bartlett in your life, keep up with her goings on with our friend Noodle in their hilarious podcast Chacharone. It's art and politics, science and pop culture! Check it out:

Be sure to bookmark the ATTT1000 playlists on Spotify and Youtube. They're growing all the time!