Dear people with ears and hearts, having your very own list of songs that you love, even though it's embarrassing to admit, is a beautiful thing! Often our guilty pleasure songs are ones that are very special to us, and that's something we should all embrace. Viva la Guilty Pleasures! Thanks again to the swellest of swell fellas Bryan Meyers who came through for us in style, bringing it home in Part 2 with picks 5-1.

If you missed Top Ten Guilty Pleasures Volume 2 Part 1, go back and get it here or wherever you get your podcasts:

Behold the majesty of the Top Ten Guilty Pleasures Volume 2 playlist, featuring the guiltiest "guilty" songs used as bumper tracks:

Bryan's hard-working cover band Guilty Pleasure Makers can be found making booties shake all over Southern California. Find out when and where by following them:

More fun stuff Bryan is up to:

For a deeper dive, listen to Top Ten Guilty Pleasures Volume 1 from over 10 years ago, starring the Numbers Girl's best friend Shannon Hurley: