We all know the basic premise of a guilty pleasure song. Some may deride the concept of hiding your affection for a particular tune from your hipster friends out of embarrassment or the desire to appear not uncool. It's a natural thing. It's also natural to get moved by a song that is considered by most to be silly or lame. Well hide your guilt no more! ATTT is here to help, with the aid of our good friend and excellent musician Bryan Meyers, who is on hand to present another volume of songs that we just can't help but love, regardless of how we feel outwardly. There's no shame in any of it! Part 1 features picks 10-6, folks.

Bryan's hard working cover band Guilty Pleasure Makers can be found making booties shake all over Southern California. Find out when and where by following them:

More fun stuff Bryan is up to:

For a deeper dive, listen to Top Ten Guilty Pleasures Volume 1 from over 10 years ago, starring the Numbers Girl's best friend Shannon Hurley: