Did you know that in 2018 the number of people older than 64 surpassed the number of children under five years old? It was the first time in history that this was the case. The timing of this change, though, varied significantly between countries. 

In higher-income countries with low fertility rates and longer life expectations, it has been shifting for decades. Take the United States, for example, where the under-fives were already outnumbered by those older than 64 in 1966; in Spain, it was 1970; in South Korea, it was 2000. For many countries, this crossover point is yet to come. In India, for example, it is projected to be 2028 and 2036 in South Africa. 

In low-income countries with high fertility rates and a lower life expectancy, this point is still many decades away. For example, in Nigeria, under-fives will outnumber those older than 64 by 2087.

As the number of older adults grows around the world, aging people need seniors advocates. Today we have one such advocate with us who has been doing this awe-inspiring work for decades, Barbara Kirby.

After 15 years of caring for her parents with complex health issues, Barb recognized the gaps and barriers in services for seniors and their families. Thus, she chaired and co-chaired the family council in her dad's care home for over ten years; subsequently, she became a board member of advocates for care reform. 

Before her parents passed in 2019, she started SeniorsAdvocate.ca in 2009. Its mandate is to treat older people with respect, provide all options to make informed choices to live as they choose, and ensure they and their caregivers have support when they need it most.

Focusing on planning, navigating, and management, she has published numerous articles and authored multiple books. She is a trainer, public speaker, and change agent.



What 'to be an advocate for an older adult' means What she means by many faces of advocacy What are the signs of caregiver abuse and how to prevent it Her concept on lifestyle planning over financial planning The five basic principles of living well in later life On continuing to educate yourself  On being prepared to take action On refraining your thought On self-aware What radical collaboration is On knowing who we are and what our values are On investing time to learn more about your loved ones On building a support network Who can be an advocate On sharing the responsibility with others Why working through these support networks is essential to an elder Her tips for the listeners


Host’s email: [email protected] Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: www.RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg All Things Senior’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllThingsSeniors Barbara's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/seniorsadvocate/ Barbara's Website: www.SeniorsAdvocate.ca Barbara’s Twitter: @SeniorsAdvocate  Barbara's Facebook: www.facebook.com/seniorsadvocate.ca

Barbara's Book: Life Planning, Support & Advocacy for Seniors & their Families: https://store.seniorsadvocate.ca/books/life-planning-support-advocacy-for-seniors-their-families.html

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