Did you know that nearly 25% of all households are providing care for the elderly? Although you may be willing to help, you may find unexpected challenges in doing it. Matters you never thought about are now your responsibility: healthcare, housing, financial, legal matters, day-to-day issues involving nutrition, and personal safety. With these, you may find yourself worried, overworked, and exhausted. Listeners, being primary caregivers, can relate to this.

Today, we have with us Dr. Marion Somers, a leading Geriatric specialist. Over the past 45 years, she has helped thousands of individuals and their families struggling with these matters.



10 Steps of Doctor Marion to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One  On using the personal pronoun I The importance of listening Her experience with her father and putting safety first Improving the lifestyle and simple examples Making life easier with adaptive equipment Managing financial issues Taking care of legal matters Mobility in disability Finding the suitable housing Learning to let go Her experience on letting go that changed her life


Host’s email: [email protected] Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: www.RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg All Things Senior’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllThingsSeniors Dr. Marion's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmarionsomers/ Dr. Marion's Website: http://drmarion.com/ Dr. Marion's Book: Eldercare Made Easier: Doctor Marion's 10 Steps to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One: https://www.amazon.com/Elder-Care-Made-Easier-Marions/dp/1886039801 Mary Sue Wilkinson's Season 1 Episode 9 : https://www.seniorspodcast.com/2020/02/episode-9-the-power-of-music-in-dementia-care/ Tim Ihrig's Season 1 Episode 13: https://www.seniorspodcast.com/2020/02/episode-13-palliative-care-being-alive-vs-living-a-life/