Meg was a guest on Mac Prichard's Podcast Find Your Dream Job and in today's Monday Mashup we talk about what that experience was like for Meg. She shared some great tips on how to achieve career clarity and what you can do to narrow down your career choices to one that is right for you.  Check it out and send her some love!

Bobbie's son Christian graduated from Tufts University on May 17th and she talks about their stab at celebrating his graduation amidst Covid...some successes and some failures.

Wishing you all the best on this Memorial Day weekend where we honor those who died serving and protecting this Country.  We hope you can share time with family and friends (albeit 6 feet apart, with face-masks, in small groups and outside).

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Listen to Meg's Podcast with Mac Prichard on Mac's List: Meg's Podcast
Listen to Meg's Podcast with Mac Prichard on Apple:  "Find Your Dream Job"
Mac's List:   Mac's List:  A Career Hub for the Pacific Northwest

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