We are super excited to have Austin Belcak on the podcast.  Austin offers job seeking advice that is so incredibly new, fresh and inspirational that you have to hear it!  Not only is Austin’s advice among the best we’ve heard, his story telling abilities are off the charts so we guarantee you will not be bored listening.  If you are searching for a job, we promise, you will not want to miss this episode.  

Austin, in his humble and relatable approach, tells about his own job seeking experience from college to today and how out of desperation he created a method that is highly effective and different from probably anything else that you’ve heard.  It worked to land Austin a great job at Microsoft and he now uses his approach to help others.  

Austin is the Founder of Cultivated Culture, he has a prolific following on LinkedIn, where he posts great content nearly every day, and where he occasionally offers informative and helpful live sessions.  Austin has also contributed to Forbes, Fast Company, Business Insider & The Muse.

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Music Production by Lena Ozea:  Lena Ozea Sound Cloud
Technical Production:  Richard Barnett

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