Today Meg interviews one of Denver's most well-known job-seeking consultants.  If you are changing careers, starting a new career later in life, interested in job-seeking strategies or hoping to become a career coach/consultant, then this episode is for you!

Linda Sollars is the President/Founder of Creating Purpose, a very successful Career Coaching/Consulting firm located in Golden Colorado.  Linda is also a training instructor for those wishing to become credentialed career service providers/counselors.  She does this through the National Career Development Association.  She is also an affiliate professor at Regis University (Adult Learners).  She has done numerous workshops & public speaking engagements on career development and related topics.

In this interview, Linda shares how to become a career consultant.  She tells how she got started in the business at age 57.  She also shares many tips:  how to network effectively, resume advice, how to successfully negotiate a raise/salary and how to change careers. She discusses the advantages/drawbacks of being a career consultant/coach as well as what a typical day is like on the job.  She has also done some research on multi-generations, so we touch upon some of the unique aspects of various generations from Generation Z to the Boomers.   

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Music Production: Lena Keller: [email protected]
Technical Production: Richard Barnett

Show Notes:

Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn
The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Marquette University
Killing Eve

Music Production: Lena Keller: [email protected]

Technical Production:  Richard Barnett

Show Notes:
National Career Development Associ

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