On today’s episode I am joined by Pastor Marwan Aboul-Zelof, the lead pastor at City Bible Church in Beirut, Lebanon. Marwan holds passports to both the US and Lebanon, but he chooses to live in the Middle East with his wife and two young sons, to share the hope of the gospel in a difficult place, which many choose to flee.

Marwan and I discuss what life in Beirut is like amidst government corruption, a failing currency, a population with 80% of people living below the poverty line, and shortages of food, medicine, and electricity. No doubt you recall the explosion of the grain silos in the Port of Beirut in 2022 and the more recent attempts by Lebanese citizens to forcibly remove their money from the country’s failing banks at gun point. While Marwan is honest about the complicated living conditions there, he communicates tremendous hope, firmly rooted in the goodness and faithfulness of our God. He says, “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the hope of Jesus.”

Don’t miss the encouragement in this episode. Take time to learn what life is like for Lebanese citizens, and take time to be reminded of hope that never fails and security that is always sure. There is so much we can learn from our faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Beirut.

Keep in touch with Marwan Aboul-Zelof and City Bible Church in Beirut at https://www.cbcbeirut.com.