Tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of the riot or insurrection at the United States Capitol. Additionally the January 6th Congressional Committee just finished its work and referred former President Donald Trump to the Department of Justice on four criminal charges relating to that day. Nationalism and Christian nationalism are on our minds again, as they have been nearly nonstop for the past two years.

On today’s episode of All Things, Pastor and Author David Ritchie helps us look at Christian nationalism through a Biblical lens. Ritchie says nationalism is a disordered love. You can have an ordered love of nation—that’s called patriotism. But nationalism is when one’s love of country becomes one’s hope and vision for their future or safety or fundamental security.

Ritchie shows us that nationalism itself is a religious shell that encases a political vision. Nationalist movements advance with religious fervor, even summoning people to worship and the adoration of a messiah figure.

Christian nationalist movements co-opt and utilize Christian language and categories to advance their cause. Christian nationalists elevate individuals to the category of messiah—someone who will deliver us. In the US in particular we have looked to George Washington, or Barack Obama, and more recently Donald Trump as salvation figures for our nation. When someone says, “Donald Trump is God’s man,” we as Christians should pause at the very least and reflect on what it means to assign salvific qualities to a politician.

As Ritchie shows us in this episode, the stakes are high. To whom are we devoted? For what future vision are we living? Where is our hope? Does our faith influence our politics or are our politics shaping our faith?

You can keep in touch with David Ritchie on social media, at @DavidARitchie on Twitter.

Hear David’s sermons at

Checkout his book, Why Do the Nations Rage?: The Demonic Origin of Nationalism here:

Listen to my first conversation on All Things with David Ritchie here: