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Ep. 190 - How can your business achieve true operational clarity and ensure your team is all on the same page about workflows and systems? In this episode, Chris interviews Brian Ragone, the founder and CEO of Puzzle, an app that helps teams visualize their workflows and systems. They discuss the challenges of documenting operations without a consistent visual language, and how Puzzle solves this by providing a unified way to map out processes. Brian also shares about the powerful features of this tool that connect processes to teams, roles, and tools. Tune in to learn how Puzzle can bring clarity and alignment to your team and business operations.

What You'll Learn:

3:21 - Brian shares what inspired him to create Puzzle14:45 - The key difference between shallow documentation tools like Lucidchart and the deep documentation approach of Puzzle17:57 - How Puzzle's relational database allows you to pivot and view processes connected to teams, roles and tools27:47 - Recommended ways for getting started with mapping processes in Puzzle's blank canvas29:41 - Which tools Puzzle integrates with to easily visualize existing workflows38:56 - Why Brian views Puzzle as an "operational journal" for continuous process improvement43:19 - High-level maps VS granular detailed maps - and which works better in Puzzle
About Our Guest:

Brian is the Founder & CEO of Puzzle, and he's helping teams visualize their workflows & systems in a fast and easy way so everyone understands how they work. He's helped visualize over 10,000 workflows to bring clarity and alignment across teams within organizations so they can make improvements to their operations with confidence. He has found organizations use 130 SaaS applications to run their business operations on average. Yet, most processes and systems aren't well documented and the only person who knows how they work is the person who built them — everyone else on the team is left in the dark.


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