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Ep. 184 - Do you really need all those bells and whistles, or should you focus on mastering the fundamentals first? In this episode, Chris challenges the conventional theory of building for scale. He draws on his lengthy experience in marketing and scaling businesses to argue that entrepreneurs should prioritize building functional, basic systems before worrying about advanced scaling strategies. Tune in as he shares insights on keeping things simple yet scalable, measuring the right metrics, and maintaining your systems – a refreshing perspective that will save you from costly mistakes in your journey for growth.

What You'll Learn:

00:31 - How Chris's initial experience of working at a rapidly scaling startup shaped his mindset about marketing05:14 - The benefits of building basic landing pages and funnels first before adding advanced features10:24 - The approach Chris recommends for new businesses - Hint: It’s not building for massive scale from the start18:37 - Chris answers if advanced marketing skills and complex tactics automatically translate to better results23:35 - The role that mastering the fundamentals and consistent execution play in achieving scale28:23 - What the main considerations should be when building marketing systems initially33:56 - The importance of having someone to actively maintain and optimize the basic systems


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