Welcome to Episode 26 How to Incorporate Humor in Your Video Content Strategy and What Humor is Making People Feel and Do in 2020

Open with a played joke from TikTok @careysperry

That is a wildly viral and trending audio on TikTok’s social Media right now of people who put dogs around their dining room tables.

Laughter is a universal language and although there are cultural Emotional connection with humor.  Humor is everywhere today because there is fear everywhere too and laughter binds us together.  During the pandemic, we see jokes about the frustration with quarantine, family dynamics, exercise, food and drink indulgences, political animations or voice overs….it goes on right?! 

In your business it can be aligned to this cultural relevancy either directly or indirectly and this episode I hope will help you piece it together as you think through or include more humor into your video social and advertising strategy.

Humor thought of as entertainment, but it can leverage your message.

Audiences need to be considered.

And it’s worth noting that Not every video benefits from a laugh

It makes sense to consider brand advertisements as a backdrop to your video content strategy.  We know that some of the best brand advertisements, such as during the Superbowl, are funny! 

Now in a global pandemic, young generations and sometimes all are turning to TikToks of political impersonations, rhythmic dances and adorable child and animal funny instances!  The Boston Globe writes, “…young people are using social media platforms to channel their energy into something a little less serious: creating content that finds the humor — silly or grim as it may be — in the midst of the pandemic.”  The piece points out Catherine Caldwell-Harris, an assistant professor of psychology and a faculty member at Boston University since 1991, she says, “Humor is always going to be pushing the envelope, and we’ve got to kind of give it some leeway for that,” Caldwell-Harris said. “I actually think it’s a neat phenomenon where people are pulling together and having a national conversation about something that’s actually important. Maybe there can be more conversations, you know, income inequality or other things,….”

So What is it that Makes Something funny?

Well, usually it’s universal in that it goes against what we expect to happen or what we expect someone to say.  I love Bloopers!  I laugh and laugh – why?  Because they aren’t how I expect it to go for whatever they are doing!       

There is sometimes a gender difference in “taste” shall I say in humor.  Some women may appreciate what is referred to as a "guy joke", but some find them annoying.  They usually have a shock factor – or a more sexual nature, which isn’t going to fare well in the business world anyway.  But when you are of a certain gender you probably have a tolerance for things that the other gender does not.

Culture is another area that will make humor resonate in differing ways.

I have to acknowledge there is sometimes Fear in using humor in your content or advertising

If used wrong it can offend.  When it is either hostile, degrading, overly aggressive, righteous, of course any of these can be a turn off.  Or like a joke that goes too far – it can do more damage than good.  You’ll hopefully either know where to draw the line because you are vetting out the delivery or you will share it with people on your team or people you trust to share their professional opinion.

Remember K-Mart’s ad, “I Shipped My Pants?”  They took a lot of criticism for it sounding like a certain expletive.  Many people thought it was funny and repeated it to their friends and family….others – too much.

There are academic Studies out there to help us inform this subject:

Recent Studies show that a good laugh can instantly improve mindset and put us in a better mood.  According to Psychology.org, “human emotions such as anxiety, depression, fear, joy, and laughter, profoundly affect psychological and physiological processes.  It goes on to say, “Ronald A. Berk, a pioneer of humor research, from Johns Hopkins University (1976–2006), has published more than 150 articles regarding humor, laughter, and learning.” He proved that “humor can bring dead, boring content to life.” To overcome the challenge of teaching “dead, boring content,” 

Might you think if you’re honest with yourself that any of your content, products or services may be perceived as a bit dull at times?  Consider taking a funny twist!  If you are selling something that may have some anxiety associated with it – and there are many – think of financial services, mental health help, relationship related companies like dating or counseling, medical….I could go on…anxiety is at a high level right now with the Pandemic anyway….

Even mild Humor may lower defenses and establish rapport which can increase your persuasive effects.

According to a recent Nielsen study on social behavior as it pertains to the TV, as consumers keep close to home and to their TV sets, they’re using social media to stay connected now more than ever.  It further found that, “As more consumers shelter in their homes, they’re turning to social media to pass the time.”  The study was focused on TV, but this closely parallels social media video content and Social Media Lives or Live TV.

Neilson also reports that Humorous Advertising themes resonate highest of 16 categories!  They go as follows (and I put the graphic in the show notes)

1 – Humorous 50%,

2- Value Oriented 38%,

3- Real Life Situations 35%,

Family Oriented – 33%,

5- Pets/Animals Centered 27%. 

The rest of the categories are Health themed, High-Energy/Action, Aspirational, Sentimental, Sports Themed, Celebrity endorsements (which is only 8% in the US), Sexual, and Athlete endorsed.

I found A new study by researchers at the University of Michigan and Stony Brook University found that 20 minutes of improv experience causes people to feel comfortable and more tolerant of uncertainty.  In one experiment, improvisation activity was to a control group with social interactions where people picked a friend to talk about, a movie to discuss and physical actions to demonstrate.

The improv group improved more in divergent thinking, but both groups increased in feeling good and comfort with uncertainty.  This goes along with the point I highlighted earlier that funny things are what disrupt what our minds and emotions expect.  And it in a very short period of time makes us feel better.  I put a link to this study in the show notes as well.

Strategies for incorporating humor into your video content –

word play, timing, visual, self-effacing humor or humbling yourself so people feel you are real or authentic/  Also, humor aids in the attraction first of all (just getting their attn in the first place) then sustainment of attention when you are trying to teach someone something. So many brands ARE trying to teach people things and the consumer will execute on learning more or buying the service or product just because you got their attention and kept it – while they were laughing at your message.

Let’s highlight some Brand Examples

            In Insurance:

State Farm – “Who are you talking to?”  “it’s Jake from State Farm” "What are you wearing Jake from State Farm?"  "Uhhhh Khakis?"


Geico – with the lizard

Progressive with Flo and also the half man half motorcycle dude – being a Motaur

Product:  Old Spice with Isaiah Mustafa

Dollar Shave Club did this ad on a dime….it’s on YouTube and I put it in the Shownotes. The CEO is riding around their ware house…it’s hilarious.  This same also talks on CNBD at iConic Conference in 2017 about how he came about with the co., the ad and how it led him to a $1 Billion dollar acquisition by Unilever.

Video:  So we all know hopefully by now that a video strategy will serve your content and marketing strategy well – your viewers/followers and customers want it in short form and long form at times, but so do the platform algorithms.

Now How can you Incorporate Humor Into your Video Strategy

Here are 6 Steps You can take Today:

What will be relatable to your target customer? For instance, I did a video series broken down by ea “episode” targeting authors.  Before Covid, I had a program to help authors with their social media strategy to market their book that included capturing video content for them, editing it and delivering it either straight to their social walls and stories, OR storing it all in a Drop box for them to post. Step 2 – Make a list of challenges or situations that your target customer has. So, using the author persona again – my list included writers block, play with words and I did a meaning of slang word video, sleep apnea…..laying in bed thinking about the book and finishing the book.  Do you follow me? Step 3 – Don’t need to spend a lot of time on this step, but definitely helps to spend a few minutes searching for videos that are targeting the same target as you are. Is anything trending?  Did you find a video funny and now you can make it your own? Out line a script. Depending on who will be in your video(s) besides yourself, you may or may not need to get ultra specific.  The new style of video first revealed in YouTube and now TikTok – I’m referring to the “style” of video, not the purpose of the videos….is multiple quick cuts – back and forth with little delay time if any inbetween. Edit it together – use an app like Slack to merge the clips together and write text over the Add music and even captions…depending on where you are going to post it. On LinkedIn, you really need to have captions on your videos. A bit less important now that people are working from home, but if they are bored in a meeting they often will scroll away on LinkedIn and read the text while watching your video with sound down or off all together.

I’d love to hear what’s made you laugh lately?  What brand caught your attention?  What questions do you have about how to formulate a video series?  DM me on Instagram or Facebook @allsocialyall

(Audio from @careysperry TikTok Video #1 on What is an Influencer Anyway??)