Use Cases & The Current Opportunities & Realities of DRONES and Drone video footage

Today we are DIGGING IN further to the state and opportunity of DRONES. 

As I explained in Ep 15 the Drone market is growing to 129.23 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.

The Drone market is growing on an extremely HUGE projectory!  The FAA reports that there are guess how many registered drones in the US?  1.6 Million, 442,000 of which are used for Commercial.  Many pilots own more than one drone it’s worth noting.

The fastest growth comes from businesses and civil governments.

It is overall impacting a vast majority of industries:

Drones are becoming a part of business in

Construction, INsurace, Oil & Gas, Police or Fire Force, The Coastguard, Journalism, Customs or Boarder Protection, Real Estate (which I reference specific use cases in both residential and commercial in a bit), Utilities, Energy, Cinematogrpahy (movies which is how many of us think of Drone footage - which is at a 21MILL industry alone – bottom of the $$ projection list hey!)

In this episode I also share follow up on My journey to becoming a certified remote pilot of an unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV and the growing Drone market and what it can mean for YOUR business! 

For these flying objects -

There are some very interesting uses cases being developed. There are unlimited use cases that are virtually untouched. 

1 of the more obvious and talked about is delivery.  The FAA is encouraging innovation in package delivery and is organized to facilitate it with industry, local, state and tribal entities.  There is a five phase certification process that companies who want to incorporate a package delivery service.

Traditionally, we’ve had UPS, FedEx, The United States Postal Service (where I still have to wait in line to get a package mailed), Uber Eats transports food to our homes and workplaces.

On September 27, 2019, UPS Flight Forward conducted its first package delivery by drone with its part 135 certification when it flew medical supplies at WakeMed's hospital campus in Raleigh, NC.

Allow me to introduce you (if you haven’t seen it) to a social media post (on Twitter) about a Drone experience serving a customer with excellence! He an Aerospace Ocean Engineering professor. He posted a video of receipt of a store order via a drone while his dog looked upon this odd machine dropping it down into his back yard.

His Twitter handle is

Shane Ross




Aerospace & Ocean Engineering

Apr 10 2020 he posted,

Drone delivery to me & my dog at home. My 8-month-old Labrador was unperturbed by the drone, but curious and eager to go fetch the package (dog food?). The delivery was from Walgreens via


, & arrived 5 minutes after placing the order. #logistics #dronedelivery #covid19 #dogs

Now Grocery Drone Delivery 

Speaking of Wing! Bloomberg reported that Wing, which is Alphabets Drone delivery service, is seeing a big increase in orders in the Christiansburg, VA pilot program  it has been running since the Fall of 2019.  In fact, demand has doubled since Covid 19.  Wing partnered with FedEx and Wallgreens to send household essentials to local residents .  They even now have added a local bakery and coffee shop! To expand offerings during the Pandemic. 

This drone pilot on YouTube, Dmitri Marian, reversed engineered coffee delivery – during Quarantine because of  Covid19 from his home, ordered a cup of coffee from his local Starbucks and flew his drone that had upgraded antenaes, TO Starbucks, they put his coffee in a bucket attached to the drone and he flew it back.  Dude!  Take a listen and I put the link to the video in the show notes if you want to see it.  It

He posted another one on both YouTube TikTok where he orders a cup of coffee from McDonalds.  If you want to watch it and you’re on TikTok he is @dmitritv

There is still a lot to figure out before we will see multiple brands doing this….having to do with regulation and safety.

Prime Air with Amazon is coming, you may have heard.  It will be a service that will deliver packages under 5 lbs in 30 min or less.  Prime Air has development centers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Austria, France and Israel. We are testing the vehicles in multiple international locations.  The link in the show notes has a few videos – quite entertaining and humorous videos, where Amazon helps you understand how what they call “a miracle of modern technology” will help you understand the conveniences it will offer you and imagine under what circumstances you will be able to use it!  Your child has a soccer game, the dog at one of her soccer cleats – Amazon Prime Air to the rescue!

Dominos Pizza has been investing in automous delivery for a few years now.  They tested drone delivery but the automous car will be released first as they have partnered with start up mini manless self driving car, Nuro.  The little bug like cars drive up to 25 mph.  Dominos announced their partnership in 2019.  I have the link to a video featuring the car and the service in the show notes.

The service is limited to customers who place online orders in Houston, and they deployed its grocery delivery service in Houston in March. Nuro’s partnership with Domino’s initially will be limited to a single location and will begin in the fall.

“We are always looking for new ways to innovate and evolve the delivery experience for our customers,” Kevin Vasconi, Domino’s executive vice president and chief information officer, said in a statement released by the company.  Quoting again, “Nuro’s vehicles are specially designed to optimize the food delivery experience, which makes them a valuable partner in our autonomous vehicle journey."

"The opportunity to bring our customers the choice of an unmanned delivery experience, and our operators an additional delivery solution during a busy store rush, is an important part of our autonomous vehicle testing,” the statement added.

Now you are Visualizing your product being placed on a Drone. Or let’s back up – how can the order even be placed for Drone delivery? I encourage you to to consider text …I talk about this in an upcoming episode with a barbeque restaurant who is DOMINATING this!  If you’re a restaurant owner, please hear me on this.  Text ordering will help you.  I plan to release that episode explaining it all next week.

So! Onto Use Cases in the Medical field

Matternet M2 Parcel Delivery Drone

Matternet is the world’s leading technology platform for on-demand drone delivery in urban environments.

They specialize in very fast accurate delivery of medical items such as blood samples between locations inside of healthcare or hospital systems.  Their drones can carry up to 4.4 lbs and travel twelve and half miles within 30 minutes.  This benefits both patients (customers) and the healthcare efficiencies and man hour costs.

A company called Dragonfly has created a model that from nearly 200 feet, their drones can detect several coronavirus symptoms, including fever, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate.  So if one of these drones (you’re standing out on the street) detects Coronavirus of someone else who has the virus you might be glad.  You might be glad if it were you! Or some might feel this is an invasion of my privacy.  I don’t know….it’s so new.  It’s in similar vein of regulating wearing masks – at the time of this recording, states like Massachusetts and NY, NJ and many others are all fining citizens when they are out of their homes without masks on their faces.

I don’t live in one of those states right now.

There are phenomenal Use cases for Residential and Commercial REAL ESTATE

There are results floating around the web claiming that Listings that feature drone photography and videography sell 68% faster! Well a Company called SoldbyAir conducted their own study to be sure of that data, and they report that 83% of home owners prefer to work with an agent who uses drone videography to feature their home.  They also found that high volume agents meaning those that are more successful I guess you could say, selling more homes, or spending more time on the craft – they use aerial footage 3.5x more often than lower volume real estate agents.  Which I thought was really interesting.

The footage can be used (the drone footage) for real estate on the listing platforms like Zillow as well as formatted to social media platforms.  Apartments, townhomes and senior living homes can be viewed from a buyers home.   Which is really convenient, and experiential, you know what I mean?  They feel like whoa – there’s music and they start feeling like they are seeing it face to face.

For Commercial developers, instead of looking at outdated Google Maps, current drone footage informs a purchase consideration or project preparation.  There’s also something called, Orthomosaic Mapping which is stitched together drone footage that provides a high resolution piece of gigantic perhaps hundreds of acres of property with extreme precision, accuracy and detail.  Commercial realtors know that the maps are a crucial piece to closing on a deal – and these deals are most often very large in price.  The maps – particularly video – help engage the emotional connection to the property.  It helps the realtor demonstrate the market expertise and opportunities of the special area transitions between you know - the various spaces, roads, natural elements like trees etc.  Very powerful!  Jerry Inguagiato, friend of mine, Senior Vice President with CB Richard Ellis, which is a commercial real estate broker or agent, told me “it enhances the visual experience for my clients.”  So he said that very confidently.

It is a reality that a drone is yet another moving vehicle – thus the name, “unmanned aerial vehicle or UAV”. With that comes the inevitable accident or collision.  My exam studies this week have covered many aspects of drone pilot safety knowledge so far.  One, you cannot fly at night and there are very specific guidelines around when is considered night.  When is it night? Do you know? They are very specific - How the pilot has to be within 3 statute miles  of the drone from the control station

a person standing at the control station of the small UAS must be able to see at a diagonal distance of 3 miles into the sky in order to detect other aircraft that may be approaching the area of operation

So much like boat safety, there’s “see & avoid” laws and the pilot cannot be in a moving vehicle or aircraft while operating the drone.  Meaning you can’t be driving something while you are operating the drone which sounds obvious but there are some wild risky people out there!  So there’s rules around this pilot license.

So with your business…there may or may not be something that there is an application.  But of all those industries that I listed, it isn’t even a whole set.

These are the Questions

Thinking of yourself - YOU as a consumer – is often how I urge people to think about it we are all consumers ourselves, put your self in the customers shoes which I know you do pretty much every day – ask will you get great benefits?? 

With Covid19 we are all needing grocery delivery at times…some of us are using that exclusively, some of us are blending – using it most of the time, while supplementing with “mini trips” and others are doing ONLY mini trips and no grocery order.  So anyway, it’s just a mish mash of how people are going about it depending on their circumstances.  But it’s transforming the industry as well as the customer experience.  

So what’s relevant to all of us today is Food – food delivery, restaurant experiences and grocery stores.  And I want you to think about how can your business either have a dotted line to the food business or how can you learn from the essential food business customer experience?  Because this is not just about beautiful  videography right?  It ‘s also about practicality, so it just depends on what it is.

….pause (music)

Back to case uses - Another active use case is in Agriculture where our food sources are grown or harvested.  Drones are saving time for farmers, ….they are being used for things like, scouting fields, discovering weeds and diseases that erode growth, they help identify things like water deficiencies! Important stuff to the Ag industry.

Now there are 3rd party software that agriculture companies can purchase to create maps on the health of their crops.  Why I highlight this is to connect the technology capability.  The Drone is the capture device and with it, it can inform and VISUALIZE which can then be transmitted into data visualization software to help business owners see and understand realities, patterns, and insights.

No matter what your business or industry is, what you can ask – ask yourself these questions:

How can I help my customer better visualize my business or offerings? This relates to the video aspect, similar to the real estate examples I gave; What kind of insights can I discover in my business to improve my customer experience? This means discoveries from footage…or engagement or conversations from customer viewership; How many perspectives or discoveries can I make available to either my customer or my management team to help them make informed decisions? This is long term findings and patterns….throught long term patterns to be able to make changes.

The Emotional Connection -

We are going through the living experience of change with the growth of Drone use – both professionally and the hobbiests flying them….how do you FEEL about the buzz of Drones being around you?   I am talking about the emotional or feelings you might have of them being being a part of our lives?

Have you envisioned or FELT this becoming our new norm?  I’ve listened to people share how they are very uncomfortable with Drones being around them. 

It’s weird now but do you think it will be like, “normal and fine” after we adjust and reap ongoing benefits?

I’ll leave you with that.  Thank you for being here once again.  Please share it with anyone it might help in their business and let me know if you’d like anymore content like this around drones.  I am going to continue to cover the topic through my journey to become a certified pilot myself.  I have a little ways to go!  But I am chipping away at it and I appreciate your support.  Have a great rest of your day or evening.





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