00:42 - Introducing Jason Swett

Angular on Rails
Use the code “rubyrogues” to get $10 off your purchase
Email: [email protected]

2:20 - Angular or Rails?

4:40 - Real-time data modeling

9:00 - Angular CLI

11:15 - Structuring Angular and Rails apps

16:50 - Should beginners learn Angular or Rails first?

19:50 - Building apps and tying Angular and Rails together

Tour of Heroes Tutorial
Jason’s blog post

25:00 - Angular on Rails feedback

28:00 - What’s the hardest part of integrating Angular and Rails?

31:00 - Why invest in Angular when it evolves so fast?

33:35 - Why did Jason write his book?

Angular for Rails Developers
Pragmatic Bookshelf

37:50 - How to get the most out of the book

42:40 - Panelist Jerome Hardaway

Previous Ruby Rogues Episode
Vets Who Code


Tour of Heroes Tutorial (Jerome)

General Assembly (Jerome)

DreamForce (Jerome)

Adventures in Angular Podcast (Charles and Jason)

Angular Remote Conf videos (Charles)

NgBook (Jason)

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (Jason)

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey (Jason)

Special Guest: Jason Swett.

00:42 - Introducing Jason Swett

Angular on Rails
Use the code “rubyrogues” to get $10 off your purchase
Email: [email protected]

2:20 - Angular or Rails?

4:40 - Real-time data modeling

9:00 - Angular CLI

11:15 - Structuring Angular and Rails apps

16:50 - Should beginners learn Angular or Rails first?

19:50 - Building apps and tying Angular and Rails together

Tour of Heroes Tutorial
Jason’s blog post

25:00 - Angular on Rails feedback

28:00 - What’s the hardest part of integrating Angular and Rails?

31:00 - Why invest in Angular when it evolves so fast?

33:35 - Why did Jason write his book?

Angular for Rails Developers
Pragmatic Bookshelf

37:50 - How to get the most out of the book

42:40 - Panelist Jerome Hardaway

Previous Ruby Rogues Episode
Vets Who Code


Tour of Heroes Tutorial (Jerome)

General Assembly (Jerome)

DreamForce (Jerome)

Adventures in Angular Podcast (Charles and Jason)

Angular Remote Conf videos (Charles)

NgBook (Jason)

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie (Jason)

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People by Stephen Covey (Jason)

Special Guest: Jason Swett.

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