03:42 - Derek Prior IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blogthoughtbot@thoughtbotthoughtbot Code Review GuidesThe Bike Shed Podcast@_bikeshed04:01 - Code ReviewsDerek Prior: Implementing a Strong Code-Review Culture @ RailsConf 2015Slides05:14 - What happens when you don’t do code reviews?06:30 - Not Emphasizing Code Quality, Setting Code Review Up for FailureEdge CasesDiverse Feedback, Team Conflict10:43 - Code Reviewing Yourself: Answering Your Own Questions12:03 - The Evolution of Code Review (Code Review as an Asynchronous Process)14:51 - Small Changes, “Pull Request Bombs”Handling Architectural Disagreements and DiscussionsImproving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fowler (with Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, and Don Roberts) 23:49 - Making Code Review a Supportive ProcessStop Issuing Commands; Ask Probing Questions DON’T Use “Why didn’t you  ________?” DO Use “Have you considered _________?” or “That’s interesting…I might have used _______.”30:32 - What qualities should reviewees have?34:27 - Getting Code Reviews Introduced Into Company Culture38:30 - Making Sure Code Reviews Get Done40:47 - Tagging Specific Team MembersLGTM = Looks Good To MeGerrit44:39 - Other Handy Code Review ToolsStyle Guidesrubocop JSHintsass-lintHound repoCode Climate47:49 - Code Review Feedback Resources for Solo Programmersexercism.iopairprogramwith.meCodeNewbie Ruby Monday JavaScript Tuesday Python ThursdayPicks Code Newbie Podcast: Sandi Metz Part I (Saron)
Code Newbie Podcast: Sandi Metz Part II (Saron)
If Google Were A Guy (Saron)
LEGO Ideas - Lovelace & Babbage (Coraline)
CoverMyMeds is offering Ruby on Rails training for experienced developers (David)
CoverMyMeds Billboard 1 (David)
CoverMyMeds Billboard 2 (David)
The Bike Shed Podcast (Derek)
The Ember RFC Process (Derek)
tota11y (Derek)
Eileen Uchitelle: How to Performance @ GoRuCo 2015 (Derek)
Olympus SP-100EE (Avdi)Special Guest: Derek Prior.

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