We Meet: Charles Henson, Owner of Nashville Computer

About this episode:

Charles Henson shares his experience growing from being in the National Guard, to being an owner of an IT company, to investing in real estate. Listen to learn how he finds teaching the next generation is so important, both on investing and taking risks.

About Charles: 

Growing up poor in the middle of nowhere country, I was determined to get out of a small town with farming and factory work as the only options for careers. I joined the Army National Guard to get the GI Bill and put myself through school to get an Associates Degree, landed an entry job at an IT company (which I own today) as I finished school. My father-in-law got me involved with taking risks and buying real estate as rentals and I discovered how much fun it is to travel the world. I've landed some great friendships that's allowed me to author books, be in the CyberCrime documentary, buy and sell business' and set up my family tree to finally sprout and grow with many opportunities for future generations ...

Episode References: 


Kaseya Breach - https://tinyurl.com/2a4nuu2v

2 Factor Authentication (2FA) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication

MSSP Playbook - https://www.amazon.com/MSSP-Playbook-Becoming-Security-Provider-ebook/dp/B084C3MG2V

Huntress - https://www.huntress.com/

Password Guardians - www.passwordguardians.com


Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordan

Connect with Charles Henson: www.NashvilleComputer.com 

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